Sunday, 28 July, 8:00 p.m.
Masters of Irish Music
120 mins
Sunday July 28th
20:00 - 22:00 GMT +1

Event Overview
A one-off gathering of three of Ireland’s leading performers of evocative, soulful Irish music. Doimnic Mac Giolla Bhríde, the prize-winning sean-nós [‘old style’] singer, will perform with Siobhán Armstrong, Ireland’s foremost performer on the ancient Irish, brass-wire-strung harp. Musician and composer, Martin Tourish, [Young Musician of the Year, 2008], makes a rare Kilkenny appearance also, in an evening of solo singing and harpers’ songs from the ancient Irish harping tradition, together with lively instrumental music. Presented in the 1000-year-old Parade Tower of Kilkenny Castle.
Concerts take place live in Kilkenny. A video of the concert will also be available to ticket holders after the festival, until 29 December, 2024. N.B. Evening concerts will not be live-streamed online.
The Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle
Doimnic Mac Giolla Bhríde, voice; Siobhán Armstrong, early Irish harp; Martin Tourish, accordion
Full price: €18
Student / Unwaged: €12 — save €6 on a full-price concert ticket
Festival concert bundle: Enjoy both festival evening concerts for €28 — save €4 on each full-price concert ticket
N.B. Admission to festival concerts is included with All-Access tickets